
The Nations Went Too Far

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The Nations Went Too Far


Most of the prophets with grief, lament, and love for their people, talk about Israel’s disobedience to the law, Commandments, and Yahveh’s righteous judgments. They speak of the curses that they inevitably incurred over and over again because they forsook His laws. You cannot find a prophet who does not mention it to one degree or another, but with those prophecies, ultimately, comes the judgments of Israel’s enemies. As spoken in Zechariah, “…Thus says Yahveh (the LORD) of hosts, ‘I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion. But I am very angry with the nations who are at ease; for while I was only a little angry [with Israel], they furthered the disaster” (Zechariah 1:14-15).

Yahveh (the LORD) is more than a little angry at the nations who took it upon themselves to come against the “apple of His eye” (Zechariah 2:8). In essence He said, “They are mine and I will discipline them.” We are to love, bless, and pray for Israel. We pray that that they will take up their high calling to uphold righteousness and take up the priestly call to be witnesses—that Yahveh, He is Elohim (God).

Also, pray that they not be brought out of dispersion into “Christianity,” but that they be brought out of dispersion and into the presence of Yahveh Almighty where they will learn of His ways and teach them to the Gentiles. This is not the way “Christianity” does things. They say, “I’ll be there to bring you out of your dispersion, out of your ignorance and lack of knowing your Savior, and I will teach you to be a ‘Christian.’ You can forget all of that Jewish stuff.” Yahveh forbid! That is not His way. Yet there are so many “Christian” ministries perched like partridges ready to pluck those eggs out as the Jews come back to Messiah, bringing them to Jesus Christ and into “Christianity.” Many of the Jewish people have a built in repulsion, not out of disrespect, but out of the anti Semitic spirit that has been used in the name of Jesus Christ against the Jews. The Greek transliterated name, Jesus Christ, is all the Jews ever heard as they were persecuted and killed.

The Jews are meant to be come back to Yahveh and to teach the world about Him and His precepts. May the Almighty have mercy on all those well-meaning “Christians,” for they will block the way to righteousness for His people and for the Gentiles who are to learn from His people. Many are stationed in Israel ready and waiting to get the Jews when they are plundered and persecuted, hoping to bring them into a form of religion that denies His power—the power of His Commandments. Have mercy Yahveh, have mercy.