
Confess Your Sins

Confess Your Sins


The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) will show us how we grieve and pain the Father from the inclinations of our hearts that are not good, but are evil. He will show us that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [through the power of His blood]” (1 John 1:9). His Spirit brings us into the knowledge of truth and gives us the power to uphold truth and to walk in righteousness; so, whatever it is that He brings into our conscious minds, in the name of Yahshua, (Jesus) by the power of His Spirit, may we confess those sins.

It will be credited to us as righteousness because we believe in Him and in the power of His blood. We believe He is holy, and we are not holy. We believe that without holiness, we will never be with Him or see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We need, by faith, the appropriation of His forgiveness. We will never be able to plead innocent because heaven and earth are witnesses that Yahveh (the Lord) set before us this day (Deuteronomy 30:19). This is a choice that will lead us into either blessings forever in life eternal or curses forever in utter destruction and darkness.

Choose you this day. Apart from His Spirit and apart from the power of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) redeeming blood, we cannot do it; but the blood is on the altar of the heavenly mercy seat to cleanse away every sin that so easily besets us, that will hold us back from running this race of obedience (see Hebrews 12:1). The blood is there to cleanse each of us of all sin nature, all evil inclinations, and all corruptions of the flesh, soul, spirit and mind. It is there, if we will only take that gift of true “Godly sorrow” that leads us to repent (2 Corinthians 7:10). When we wholeheartedly confess our sins, true repentance - teshuvah we turn completely leaving that sin under the blood. To continue to sin is to trample the blood under feet and make a mockery of the blood rather than treating it as holy; as the very life of our Savior poured out that we could be forgiven and filled with His Spirit to live eternally in His kingdom.

Humble yourself in the sight of Yahveh and, in due time, halleluYAH, He will lift you up! He will lift you up as He did Noah and the ark. For forty days, the flood kept coming on the earth and, as the waters increased, they lifted the ark high above the earth. As the judgments come, those who are in the safety of the ark of Yahshua (Jesus) will be lifted higher and higher into His Presence. What will kill and destroy the wicked that have evil inclinations will lift us higher and higher into the very protection of our God and Savior!